Renewable Innovations

Watch the videos and see how we are using Water pressure from the deeper water to create energy that we can use for continuously power a turbine and generate power. This is truly green energy!

Water Pressure Model

How to use the Kinetic power of Water to it's true Potential.

To make it simple let's just consider there are three types of energy, we have chemical , potential and kinetic . Chemical energy is a simple idea we need to burn something, coal, gasoline, or diesel etc. Potential energy is something like a battery or a spring under pressure etc. And Kinetic energy is energy in motion. We have patented a concept of using the true potential of water to create a continuous power to run a turbine 24 hrs. a day 7 days a week. In this column we discuss how to create this energy;
This project focuses on harnessing water pressure from depth to generate renewable energy, showcasing an innovative approach to sustainable power production and contributing to a greener future.
We have a patented design patent #12,044,201 B1 by using a cylinder with or without a piston that can be lowered into a water table and using the water pressure at depth. the piston helps us to create extra stored energy by allowing us to compress air above the piston to above the atmospheric pressure and allow us to to create additional stored energy. By looking at this design we can imagine using multiple tanks raising and lowering them continuously having the water to fill inside moving a piston inside the cylinder and compressing a charge of air above the piston. Using the power of the water depth ( every 32' of water depth = 1 atmosphere of pressure) using this principal we can charge the cylinder all the way down to an amount of pressure we want to drive a turbine with IE 20 psi or more. By using the water as our compressor we create a tremendous amount of power. Because water does not compress we can create thousands of horsepower. By using just a simple tank with a one-way check valve at the bottom of the tank, we can overcharge this with air pressure of 20 psi or more. This will give us hundreds of cubic feet of air to use to force the water out of the tank through our turbine.
Using this air we lower the cylinder deep into a water source and allow the cylinder to fill with water under the piston or no piston using a simple one way valve on the bottom of the cylinder. Then we bring the cylinder to the surface and using a pipe from the above the check valve we connect to a auto connect fitting to the pipe that supplies a turbine and start turning the turbine to generate power.
We are using multiple cylinders so as one is discharging others are in line to go into service or being lowered in order to re-charge and return to the surface for the turbine.
By using multiple cylinders we also can have one being lowered as assistance for one returning to the surface. This system could run a turbine continuously 24 hrs. a day 7 days a week almost indefinitely using very few parts and very little horsepower using a simple winch to lower and raise the cylinders up and down.
Using tanks from 8' to 10' in diameter and lowered 100' or more underwater we can push hundreds to thousands of gallons of water per minute at 30 psi or more depending on depth of water and size and amount of cylinders. This would be truly green energy just by using the water and putting it right back into the same source. This would work in any water from salt water, fresh water, or brackish water. We could use this to generate electricity or water purification systems.
Using the same concept of an elevator as the one tank is being lowered and is helping another tank to the surface we will need very little energy to get the system going but as one is lowering and gaining weight it will be easier and easier to raise the other cylinder, thus using very little horsepower to generate hundreds of horsepower.
using an elevator system we can easily lift one cylinder and lower the other cylinder at the same time. This will make the system more efficient and the brake on the system will stop the cylinder in place so the auto connect fitting can lock on.
The great thing about water it has practically unlimited horse power to pressurize the cylinder unlimited times.
We can use a piston or no piston with the one way check valve we can overpressure the tank and this results in longer run times for the water in the tank. The idea of the piston is to prevent the air from entering our turbine and causing cavitation.
Using the principles Of Water Pressure and Flow in GPM we can easily see how this system works so well. With Larger tanks 8' to 10' in diameter and allowing them to fill with a simple one way valve on the bottom we can add compressed air on top of the piston to match the turbine pressure and lowering the tank the water will fill in the bottom and move the piston upwards as the water enters. We all know that every 33' of water depth we gain 1 atmosphere of pressure. So the further we lower the tank the more water enters and the more we pressurize the air we create inside our cylinder. We could create hundreds of pounds of pressure and several thousand gallons of water to use through our turbine. Many places in the world have reservoirs and lakes that are several hundred feet or more depth. Using this water at depth and amount of water we can flow we create lots of horsepower to run our turbine.
Using multiple tanks we can have thousands of GPM of water and having several hundred feet of depth we can have hundreds of pounds of compressed air pressure to push through our turbine. Using the calculator link on the right we can know our horse power and KW output of our turbine.
These systems will run 24 hrs. a day 7 days a week greatly helping with the energy needed around the world. We don't have to wait for the wind to blow or the sunshine to create power!
using this formula we can figure out how much energy can be produced using the water depth for pressure and the amount of water we can flow through our turbine. With one tank at a time and using 4 tanks to keep a consistent flow through the turbine we can play with the numbers and see what kind of energy we could produce for whatever the needs. We can easily build these systems anywhere there is a water source deep enough to install, reservoir's or lakes and of course the ocean. Another method to build these anywhere in the world there are many companies that can install a 10' diameter steel casing and lowering them hundreds of feet into the ground they then remove the material inside the cylinder and doing this we can seal the bottom of the cylinder. Installing 4 or more of these we can then install the tanks inside of these and by placing a reservoir around these cylinders and filling the area with water we can lower the tanks up and down inside the casing and flow water through the turbine and by just returning the water back into the same area we can have a simple "power in a box" design that can be placed practically anywhere in the world!

We could place a system like these near small communities to run the power, or place in rest stops to re-charge the electric vehicles. Because there is no pollution being created they would make very little noise these systems would work practically anywhere,

We have a couple of more videos below to help explain this simple concept. See the drawings below, Thanks for watching